EMDR for Birth Trauma

Specialized Counseling and Support for Women Who’ve Experienced Birth Trauma in Hendersonville, NC

“I should be able to move on. It’s over now".”

Do you find yourself ruminating on events that happened during or after your birthing experience? Maybe you feel anxious or panic when thinking of the day you met your baby. Are you constantly trying to pull apart the pieces and figure out what went wrong and when?

Finding a perinatal mental health therapist who specializes in EMDR might be the best fit for you. Not only do they know the ins and outs of the perinatal period, they can help you move through the trauma effectively and with tender care.

Birth trauma is not just about physical complications; it encompasses emotional and psychological distress experienced during childbirth.

Factors contributing to birth trauma can include:

  • Unexpected medical interventions

  • Severe pain and feelings of loss of control

  • Emergency C-sections

  • Inadequate support from healthcare providers

  • Not enough clear communication from providers

  • Fear for the baby’s or mother’s life

  • Complications post-birth that impact attachment and bonding

Signs you may be experiencing distress from birth trauma:

  • Heightened startle response

  • Re-experiencing the trauma through invasive and unwanted memories

    • Emotional flashbacks, nightmares, sudden panic

  • Anger outbursts, irritability

  • Increased desire for isolation, alone time

  • Inability to rest or relax

  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, or like a failure

  • Avoidance of physical touch or intimacy

  • Changes in appetite

Let’s get started.